Monday, November 17, 2008

ignoring lyme disease is a crime

After watching the award winning documentary under our skin (see I was very depressed at how many adults and children are suffering so severely from this underdiagnosed and undertreated disease. Also see

zoomer show

I was disappointed when I dropped by the zoomer show held at the Ex. The theme should have been disease, debt, disability and death. As I walked in they were playing Volare. I hated the music. There were drug company sponsored booths on heart disease, diabetes and stroke. There was a lot on retirement homes, protecting your money, and electric bikes. There was one booth on walking tours of Toronto. Just as I went to leave, someone offered me a free flu shot, and I was horrified.

There was nothing there that resembled the zoomer philosophy. I thought it must be aimed at the 75 plus crowd? In any case, what a concept of aging. It was really depressing.