Monday, June 29, 2009

Fast ForWord Programme- exciting news for kids with learning problems

Thanks to my brother, Dr. Vince DeMarco for sharing the following information :"The Nature of Things was aired on Saturday, May 9th at 900am on CBC hosted by Norman Doidge. They showed the Fast ForWord program." According to Dr. Vince, this programme is so effective for ADD, slow learners and other learning problems, it has been adopted by many Ontario schools. Why are we using this technology everywhere?

The following is taken from their site at

The Fast ForWord® Program

The Fast ForWord program consists of a series of computer-delivered brain exercises to help educators improve academic achievement with a variety of student populations, meeting the individual needs and challenges of At-Risk, English Language Learners, and Special Education students.

When students can process more efficiently, every other instructional strategy a district invests in works better. Our results in schools throughout the country prove just that, with students achieving an average one- to two-year gain in reading skills in 8-12 weeks.

The Fast ForWord program is based on proven neuroscience research, validated by independent researchers, accepted by the scientific community, and most importantly, is school tested and district approved across the U.S. (and over 40 other countries).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

losing inches instead of pounds

That so many women are permanently struggling with their weight is a sad commentary about our obsession with anorexic young models. I believe a high protein low carb diet is the best way to go. More important even then that is an exercise programme by Greer Childers called Body Flex. It helps you convert fat to muscle, is very easy to do, takes only 15 to 20 minutes a day, needs minimal equipment and best of all it works! Thanks Greer! See

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

nutritional supplement big help for bipolar disorder

A recent study showed that a complex nutritional supplement can be immensely helpful for those that suffer from bipolar depression. The results of the study can be seen in the following news clip on global TV Edmonton. See for further information

Monday, June 1, 2009

loss of smell early sign in 90% of Parkinson's patients

A certain type of sleep disorder, decline in sense of smell and depression may not only be preclinical signs of Parkinson's disease (PD)- they may be part of the disease itself.

"About 90% of patients have impaired olfactory function", says Dr. Harold Roberston, professor of pharmacology at Dalhousie Univeristy in an article in the Medical Post in April 2009.

Roberton is using a smell test known as the Univeristy of Pennsylvania smell test (UPSIT) to screen brothers and sisters of PD patients, If they have a decline in the sense of smell, they do a MRI and look at the olfactory tract to see if there are any changes.

It is still too non- specific to use as a screening test for Parkinson's. But certainly a symptom worth paying attention to if it does occur.

Essential oils that may help with loss of smells include basil, peppermint. rosemary, frankincense and golden rod. To order pure oils see my website