Thanks to my brother, Dr. Vince DeMarco for sharing the following information :"The Nature of Things was aired on Saturday, May 9th at 900am on CBC hosted by Norman Doidge. They showed the Fast ForWord program." According to Dr. Vince, this programme is so effective for ADD, slow learners and other learning problems, it has been adopted by many Ontario schools. Why are we using this technology everywhere?
The following is taken from their site at
The Fast ForWord® Program
The Fast ForWord program consists of a series of computer-delivered brain exercises to help educators improve academic achievement with a variety of student populations, meeting the individual needs and challenges of At-Risk, English Language Learners, and Special Education students.
When students can process more efficiently, every other instructional strategy a district invests in works better. Our results in schools throughout the country prove just that, with students achieving an average one- to two-year gain in reading skills in 8-12 weeks.
The Fast ForWord program is based on proven neuroscience research, validated by independent researchers, accepted by the scientific community, and most importantly, is school tested and district approved across the U.S. (and over 40 other countries).